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How to Get 1000MB Free on Glo SIM Card

Hurray!! GLO is really doing good to his customers. Although this Promo has been in insistence, just that many people are not aware of this wonderful promo. This is not a free browsing tweak or free browsing cheat, as you may think, but a legitimate way of getting free MB whenever you recharge your Glo SIM. You can call it a trick to get 1000mb on Glo sim cards or cheats, but what i want you to know is that, this tariff plan was officially introduced by Glo network and it is called the “Glo Bounce Package”.

Glo bounce is an attractive tariff package for android users because it keeps you browsing the internet 24/7 whenever you recharge up to N400 on your Glo SIM.

So How Can I Get the 100MB Free on Glo SIM?
==> First, you will migrate to GLO bounce (i.e if you are not on GLO Bounce already) to start enjoying this free MB anytime you recharge your Glo SIM with at least N400.

So How do i Migrate to Glo Bounce?
==> If you are not on GLO Bounce already, just dial this code *170*4# and you will be migrated to GLO Bounce.
==> Recharge your SIM with at least N400, you will be given MB. The last time i recharge my Glo SIM was few days ago, when i recharge with N1400 to subscribe for the Glo BIS Monthly subscription for 3GB at N1400. I was given 200MB free.

So How Do I Check My Free MB Balance?
To check your free MB balance, just dial #122#

Note: Before you can use the free MB, Use this Settings Below:
APN: Gloflat
Username: flat
Password: flat

You might be experience slow network connection but with time, it will start speeding like jet. Try it, its free anyway. Enjoy

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