How to Make a Payment From Your Payoneer Account To a Supplier Not Using Payoneer – Pay Via Bank Transfer
Before now, you can only pay other suppliers using Payoneerfrom your account, but now you can pay your suppliers not using Payoneer with a few clicks of your mouse. Maybe you bought goods from a company/supplier or someone rendered service to you or you want to pay your workers salary, and they don’t have a Payoneer Account, all you have to do is to request for their bank details and you will carryout the transaction easily from your Payoneer Account.
If you are paying a supplier not using Payoneer and this is the first time you are paying them from your Payoneer account, you will first need to add their bank details to your Payoneer Account.
How to Add Supplier Bank details to Your Payoneer Account
Follow these processes below
1. Sign in to your Payoneer Account
2. Click Settings at the top of your screen and select Bank Accounts from the dropdown menu.
3. New page will open. You will then be able to enter the recipient’s payment details along with the payment amount.
How to Make a Payment From Your Payoneer Account To a Supplier Not Using Payoneer – Pay Via Bank Transfer
Below are the processes to carryout the transactions
1. Sign in to your Payoneer Account.
2. Select Pay → Make a Payment, then choose the option to pay a supplier that is not a using Payoneer.
Note: If you have not yet added supplier bank accounts, you’ll be prompted to do so. Check above to see the direction to add supplier bank accounts to your Payoneer Account.
3. Select your Payoneer balance from which you'd like to pay.
4. Select the bank account of the supplier you are paying. Check above on how to add bank account of supplier to your Payoneer Account.
5. Enter either the amount you wish to pay in "Pay to" or the amount you would like the recipient to receive in "Recipient gets." These amounts will not be the same, as fees and/or exchange rates are taken into account.
Note: These are immediately displayed for your review:
Fee is displayed if you are paying from one currency to the same currency.
Exchange rate (which includes Payoneer conversion fee) is displayed if you are paying from one currency to a different currency.
6. Enter descriptions if you wish, then click Review.
7. Make sure you Review the payment details and double-check that the amounts you entered in are correct, then click Pay to make the payment
8. Once you’re ready to pay, you can click Pay. You will then see this confirmation screen below containing your transaction ID.
Note: There a fee for making payments to recipients who are not Payoneer customers. You will receive an email confirmation once the funds have been deposited. Payments to suppliers not using Payoneer are typically processed on the same day. In rare cases, they can take up to two business days
Eligibility to Make a Payment from Your Payoneer Account to a Supplier Using Payoneer Account
Have you filled out the questionnaire and provided a copy of your photo ID? Sometimes they need just a bit more information about you before thry can open the service, so if you haven’t already, be sure to provide this information.
In a situation where you want to Make a Payment From Your Payoneer Account To a Supplier that is Using Payoneer or someone that rendered service to me or i want to pay your workers salary and they have Payoneer Account, you can easily do that from your Payoneer Account to the supplier, please click here for full details/directions.
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