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Download Federal Republic of Nigeria Constitution

The constitution of any country is meant to be read, understood and respected by all genuine citizens. Knowledge of your country’s constitution accomplishes three important things in you:

First, you know your rights and are therefore courageous.

Second, you know your obligations and accordingly confirm by deeds the duty of citizenship.

Third, you become passionately defensive of the freedoms of citizenship guaranteed by the constitution.

Oppression and abuse of power by a nation’s leaders often thrive unchecked when citizens are generally ignorant of the constitution, and only respond in fear to rumours about potential abuses of constitutional provisions concerning privileges and obligations (of which they are largely ignorant).

There is a law that regulates how Nigerians live and relate with one another, especially in matters of authority sharing, social or political power distribution, and responsibilities to and of Nigerian citizens. That law is the constitution.

It's so important for us to know our Constitution. If you don't know what the Constitution says, how do you know your elected officials are abiding by it and following it? How will you know that your freedoms are being lost?

“He that increases in knowledge, increases in strength.” Knowledge is power, but not just having knowledge alone, but rather the application of such knowledge. 

Get familiar with our constitution. >> Click here << to Download free copy of Nigerian Constitution.

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